Monday, March 18, 2013

The 10th (1909) CBC in Michigan

Michigan fielded four counts during the 10th (1909) CBC, one fewer than their maximum to date. Some of the administrative hurdles facing the CBC in the early years are hinted at in this introductory paragraph:
The exigencies of space have made it possible for us to accept only one census from the same person, unless he was accompanied by different associates on other occasions. Furthermore, the lack of time for correspondence in regard to records where possibly a slip has been made in identification, has forced the editor to act without consultation with the author, and either query or omit certain records or lists entire. Other lists have been omitted because they were received too late for publication, and still others because they did not conform to the requirements of the standard established. Source: Bird-Lore 12:19 (1910).
And now, here are the results of the four Michigan counts submitted:
Belle Isle (in Detroit River).—Dec. 25; 10.45 A.M. to 12.30 P.M. Heavy snow-storm during whole time out; five inches of snow on ground; wind northeast; temp., 28°; wind blowing about five miles an hour. Distance walked, three miles. Herring Gull, 5; Hairy Woodpecker, 1; Downy Woodpecker, 2; Crow, 7; Goldfinch, 5; White-breasted Nuthatch, 14; Tufted Titmouse, 1; Chickadee, 2. Total, 8 species, 37 individuals.—JEFFERSON BUTLER.
                Benzonia, Benzie Co., Mich.—Dec. 25; 9 A.M. to 12 M. Cloudy; snow fifteen inches; wind northeast, light; temp., 29°. Herring Gull, 20; American Merganser, 15; Blue-winged Teal, 11; Bald Eagle, 2; Hairy Woodpecker, 2;  Downy Woodpecker, 1; Blue Jay, 8; Chickadee, 1. Total, 8 species, 60 individuals.—ELIHU LINKLETTER.
                Northern part Tompkins Township, Jackson Co., Mich.—Dec. 26; walked two miles [elapsed time not provided, but I would generously estimate it at two hours]; light snow falling; wind northwest; temp., 26°. Hairy Woodpecker, 1; Blue Jay, 2; White-breasted Nuthatch, 3; Chickadee, 56. Total, 4 species, 61 individuals.—CARRIE A. REYNOLDS.
                New Buffalo, Mich.—Dec. 27; 7.30 to 10.30 A.M. Cloudy; snowing, fourteen inches of snow on the ground, drifted in most places; brisk, westerly wind; temp., 14° to 20°. Through woods and fields, and along the shore of Lake Michigan. Herring Gull, 8; American Merganser, 31; Canada Goose, 27; Ruffed Grouse, 1; Downy Woodpecker, 3; Blue Jay, 3; Crow, 6; Tree Sparrow, 4; Cardinal, 2. Total, 9 species, 85 individuals. Snow Buntings were seen here December 26.—F. A. PENNINGTON.

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